mess: n.1.(尤指流体的)食品;(给猎狗等吃的)混合饲料。2.混乱,纷乱;大杂烩;肮脏,污秽。3.过失,错误;困境。4.(尤指海陆军的)伙食团;集体用膳人员;〔无冠词〕会餐,聚餐;食堂;(普通的)餐,膳食,伙食。5.(鱼的)一网;〔英方、美〕一次挤得的牛奶。6.〔美俚〕笨人,邋遢鬼。短语和例子a complete mess 一团糟。 the army's supplies an
The russians have long regretted selling alaska to the americans for a mess of pottage 俄国人对把阿拉斯加廉价割让给美国人一直感到懊悔。
It was said that by joining the common market britain would be giving away her national rights and advantages for a mess of pottage 据说英国参加共同市场是为了一碗红豆汤而损害国家的利益。